The kids and I have started The Hobbit. The last time I read it was in high school. Literally I read it in 2 hours and then wrote a book report on it. I was the poster child for procrastination as far as book reports were concerned. I must have driven my mother mad who had a masters in library science and could never be seen with out a book in her hand. I read the first and last line of every paragraph the first time so needless to say this book seems all new to me. I can't remember what I got on that book report but it couldn't have been a very good score. In my defense reading always gave me headaches. It was something in the paper or ink that triggered migraines. I don't know but I think I have grown out of it because it doesn't really happen much anymore.
On to the book. So far we have read the first Chapter together and enjoying all the descriptions of the characters and scenery. I love the poetry or music and can't wait for their journey to start. I am realizing that all I remember about the book from before is Gollum, Bilbo and Gandolf so all this backstory has been wonderful.
Xander is in love with the story but i wonder how much he really understands since the vocabulary is so tough. Lila is enjoying it and hanging on every word. Charlotte is...well...I can tell we are going to read this again another day. (after all she IS 4) It is so fun to read to the kids though.
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